Frequently asked questions about holiday in Bertrix
What is the best time of year to visit Bertrix?

The best time to visit Bertrix is during the summer (June to September) when the weather is warm and sunny.

Are there any affordable accommodation options in Bertrix?

There are many affordable accommodation options in Bertrix, such as holiday apartments, hotels, guest houses, and camping sites.

What activities can be enjoyed in Bertrix?

There are many activities to enjoy in Bertrix, such as hiking through the Ardennes Forest, visiting historical sites, sampling traditional Belgian cuisine, and exploring the city center.

Is there public transport available in Bertrix?

Yes, an extensive public transport system is available in Bertrix, with buses and trams running throughout the city.

Are there any recommended holiday homes in Bertrix?

There are several recommended holiday homes in Bertrix, with many offering modern amenities and comforts to help make your stay in Bertrix even more enjoyable.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020