Frequently asked questions about holiday in Brussel
Where is the best place to stay when on holiday in Brussels, Belgium?

The best place to stay when on holiday in Brussels, Belgium is in the city centre, near the Grand Place, as this is the city's main square and home to many attractions and amenities.


What are the most popular attractions in Brussels, Belgium?

The most popular attractions in Brussels, Belgium are the Grand Place, Manneken Pis, the Atomium, the Royal Palace of Brussels, the Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, the Museum of Natural Sciences, the Magritte Museum and Mini-Europe.

What type of accommodation is available in Brussels?

If you are looking for a holiday home in Brussels, there are a variety of accommodation options, ranging from hotels and hostels to guest houses and holiday cottages.

What is the local cuisine like in Brussels, Belgium?

The local cuisine in Brussels, Belgium is a mix of French, Dutch and German influences. Popular dishes include mussels and fries, Belgian waffles, carbonnade flamande (beef stew with beer), chicory gratin and Stoemp (mashed potatoes and vegetables).

What is the best time of year to visit Brussels, Belgium?

The best time to visit Brussels, Belgium is in the spring and fall, when temperatures are mild and there are fewer tourists. The summer months can also be enjoyable but can be quite busy and crowded.

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