Frequently asked questions about holiday in Burg Reuland
Where is Burg Reuland located?

Burg Reuland is located in the easternmost part of Belgium, in the German-speaking region of Belgium called the East Cantons.

What activities are available in Burg Reuland?

There are a variety of activities available in Burg Reuland, such as biking, hiking, and water sports. There are also many restaurants and pubs to explore.

What is the best time to visit Burg Reuland?

The best time to visit Burg Reuland is during the summer months, when the weather is generally mild and the days are long.

Are there any holiday homes available in Burg Reuland?

Yes, there are a number of holiday homes available in Burg Reuland. Some of these are traditional villas and houses, while others are more modern apartments and chalets.

What are the cost and amenities of the holiday homes in Burg Reuland?

The cost and amenities of the holiday homes in Burg Reuland vary depending on the type of accommodation you choose. The cost and amenities can range from basic self-catering apartments to luxurious villas with all the modern amenities.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020