Frequently asked questions about holiday in Hechtel Eksel
What are the best attractions in Hechtel Eksel?

The top attractions in Hechtel Eksel include the Lommel Sand Dunes, the Castle of Eksel, and the De Demervallei Nature Reserve.

What type of accommodation is available in Hechtel Eksel?

Hechtel Eksel offers a variety of accommodation options, ranging from hotels and guest houses to holiday homes, villas, and camping sites.

What are the best places to eat in Hechtel Eksel?

Some of the best places to eat in Hechtel Eksel include the Grote Kerkhof Restaurant, the Hof van Limburg, the Eethuys ‘t Anker, and the Cafe Trappistenhof.

How can visitors get around Hechtel Eksel?

Visitors to Hechtel Eksel can get around by car, bicycle, or public transport. There are several bus lines operating in and around the city.

What activities can visitors do in Hechtel Eksel?

Visitors to Hechtel Eksel can enjoy a variety of activities, such as hiking, cycling, golf, fishing, and swimming. There are also several cultural attractions, such as the Flanders Field Museum and the Zeldenrust Castle.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020