Frequently asked questions about holiday in Tienen
Where can I stay when on holiday in Tienen?

There are a variety of accommodation options available in Tienen, including hotels, guest houses, holiday homes, hostels, and camping sites. 

What kind of activities can I do while on holiday in Tienen?

There are many activities to do while on holiday in Tienen, such as exploring the historic city center, visiting the local museums and churches, taking nature walks, cycling, shopping in the city center, enjoying the cuisine of the region, and visiting the many local parks. 

Is there reliable public transport in Tienen?

Yes, there is reliable public transport in Tienen, with bus and train networks available to take visitors to the main sights and attractions. 

What is the best time of year to visit Tienen?

Tienen offers different attractions throughout the year, so the best time to visit depends on what activities you plan to enjoy. The summer months of May to August tend to be the busiest time in Tienen, while the winter months of October to March tend to be more peaceful. 

Are there holiday homes available to rent in Tienen?

Yes, there are a variety of holiday homes available to rent in Tienen, including luxury villas, apartments, and townhouses.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020