Frequently asked questions about Pag rentals
When is the best time to visit Pag, Kroatien for a vacation rental?

Visit between May and October for the best weather, with peak season in July and August.

What are the best ways to get around Pag, Kroatien from my holiday home?

Rent a car to explore the island and nearby areas or opt for cycling, hiking and walking tours.

What types of accommodation does Belvilla offer for rent in Pag, Kroatien?

Luxury holiday homes by the sea, pet-friendly cottages, and apartments with swimming pools in stunning locations such as in a park.

What activities can I enjoy during my stay in Pag, Kroatien?

Experience water sports such as snorkeling, diving, and windsurfing, visit the historical sites and ancient ruins or take a day trip to the stunning Plitvice Lakes National Park.

What local cuisine can I expect to try while staying in a holiday home in Pag, Kroatien?

Savor local delicacies such as Pag cheese, lamb roasted on an open fire, or grilled seafood paired with homemade olive oil and locally produced wine.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020