Frequently asked questions about holiday in Rijeka
What is the best time of year to visit Rijeka for a holiday?

The best time to visit Rijeka for a holiday is from April to early June or from September to October when the weather is pleasant, and activities are plentiful.

What are some of the popular activities to enjoy during a holiday in Rijeka?

Popular activities in Rijeka include exploring the old town and its churches and monuments, taking a boat cruise on the Kvarner Bay, visiting the beaches and islands in the Adriatic Sea, and enjoying the cultural events, festivals, and entertainment that occur throughout the year.

Where can I find a holiday home in Rijeka?

There are many holiday homes available in Rijeka, ranging from apartments and villas to budget-friendly hostels and holiday cottages. You can search online for holiday homes in the city or contact a local travel agency to help you find the perfect accommodation.

What type of cuisine is available to enjoy during a holiday in Rijeka?

Rijeka is known for its seafood dishes and traditional Croatian cuisine. You can also find a variety of international cuisine in the city, from Italian to Asian.

Is Rijeka a good destination for families?

Absolutely! Rijeka is a great destination for families, with plenty of attractions and activities for both children and adults to enjoy.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020