Frequently asked questions about holiday in Carpentras
What is the best time to visit Carpentras, France?

The best time to visit Carpentras, France, is during May, June and September when the weather is mild, and the temperatures are pleasant.

What are the main attractions in Carpentras, France?

The main attractions in Carpentras, France, include the historic center, the Pic Saint-Loup vineyards, the beautiful Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, and the Château de Caromb.

What type of holiday accommodation is available in Carpentras, France?

There are various holiday accommodation options available in Carpentras, France, including hotels, holiday apartments, campsites, Bed and Breakfasts, and holiday homes.

Are there any family activities to do in Carpentras, France?

Yes, there are plenty of activities for families to enjoy in Carpentras, France, such as visiting the local attractions, exploring the nearby towns, biking, hiking, rafting, and swimming.

What is the average cost of staying in a holiday home in Carpentras, France?

The average cost of staying in a holiday home in Carpentras, France is around €50 to €150 per night, depending on the size and type of accommodation.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020