Frequently asked questions about holiday in Grimaud
What type of holiday accommodation is available in Grimaud?

There is a variety of accommodation types available in Grimaud including hotels, villas, self-catering apartments, and holiday homes.


What activities are available in Grimaud?

Grimaud offers a wide range of activities for visitors to enjoy, including swimming, sailing, fishing, watersports, golf, tennis, cycling, horse riding, and hiking.

Is there good public transport in Grimaud?

Yes, there is excellent public transport in Grimaud with a network of bus routes connecting different parts of town as well as service to nearby cities.

Are there any family-friendly attractions in Grimaud?

Yes, Grimaud has several family-friendly attractions such as the Grimaud Aquarium, Grimaud Zoo, and Grimaud Castle.

What are the best places to eat in Grimaud?

Grimaud has a variety of restaurants and cafes, offering both traditional French cuisine and international dishes. Popular dining spots include Bistrot Le Petit Grimaud, La Terrasse de Grimaud, and La Caravelle

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020