Frequently asked questions about holiday in Menton
What are the best holiday activities in Menton, France?

Menton has a variety of outdoor activities and attractions available for tourists, such as swimming, sailing, and fishing at the beach, as well as exploring the historic Old Town, taking a boat tour of the harbor, visiting the botanical gardens, or going on a day trip to Monaco. 

How much does it cost to stay in Menton during the holidays?

The price of holiday accommodations in Menton varies significantly depending on the type of accommodation you choose. Generally, a standard room in a hotel can range from €60-€150 per night while a vacation rental can cost anywhere from €80-€500 per night. 

What types of holiday accommodation are available in Menton?

There are several accommodation options available in Menton, including hotels, holiday apartments, vacation rentals, and camping sites. 

What is the weather like in Menton during the holiday season?

The weather in Menton is typically mild and pleasant during the holiday season. Average daily temperatures typically range from 18-22°C (64-72°F), with occasional rain showers. 

Are there any local events or festivals held during the holiday season in Menton?

Yes, Menton hosts several festivals and events throughout the holiday season. Popular events include the Christmas market in December and the Lemon Festival in February.

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