Frequently asked questions about holiday in Narbonne
What attractions are there to visit in Narbonne?

Narbonne offers a wide variety of attractions to visit, including a 13th-century Gothic cathedral, the Canal de la Robine, the Roman remains at Narbonnaise en Méditerranée, the Musée archéologique and the City Hall of Narbonne.

What kind of holiday homes are available in Narbonne?

Narbonne offers a variety of holiday accommodation options, including hotels, B&Bs, holiday apartments and holiday homes.

What are the best activities to do in Narbonne?

Narbonne offers a range of activities for visitors, including walking and cycling tours, wine tasting, sailing, kayaking, swimming and exploring the city's many historic and cultural sites.

What is the best time of year to visit Narbonne?

The best time of year to visit Narbonne depends on what kind of activities you are looking for. In summer, it is a popular destination for beach lovers, while in spring and autumn the weather is milder and more suited to sightseeing, cycling and sailing.

What is the food like in Narbonne?

Narbonne is known for its local dishes, such as cassoulet, a slow-cooked stew of white beans, pork, and duck; and the local specialty of tapenade, a rich and flavorful olive spread. Narbonne also offers a variety of international cuisine, including French, Spanish, Italian, and North African.

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Average rating of 4+
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