Frequently asked questions about holiday in Saintes Maries De La
Where is Saintes Maries De La located?

Saintes Maries De La is located on the Mediterranean coast in the South of France, about 25 miles east of Arles.

What type of accommodation is available for holidaying in Saintes Maries De La?

There are a variety of accommodation options available for holidaying in Saintes Maries De La, including hotels, holiday apartments, holiday homes and camping sites.

What activities are available in the area?

Nearby there are a range of activities available, such as swimming, snorkelling, kayaking, horse riding, cycling and hiking, as well as cultural attractions like the Romanesque churches, the salt marshes and the archaeological sites.

What is the average cost of accommodation in Saintes Maries De La?

The average cost of accommodation in Saintes Maries De La varies depending on the type of accommodation you are looking for, however on average you can expect to pay around €50-€100 per night for a holiday home or apartment.

What is the best time of year to visit Saintes Maries De La?

The best time to visit Saintes Maries De La is during the summer months when the weather is warm and dry, and the beaches are perfect for swimming and sunbathing.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020