Frequently asked questions about apartment north rentals
What is the best time to visit Norden for a holiday rental?

The summer months from June to August offer ideal weather conditions for outdoor activities.

What are the best ways to get around Norden when staying in a Belvilla property?

 Renting a car is recommended, but cycling and walking are also popular options.

What types of accommodation does Belvilla offer in the Norden area?

 Belvilla offers a range of accommodations, including holiday homes, apartments, and villas with features such as By the Sea, On the Park, and a Swimming Pool.

What activities can I enjoy in Norden while staying in a Belvilla property?

 Visitors can explore the beautiful coastline, take part in water sports, visit local museums, or explore the nearby islands.

What local cuisine should I try while staying at a Belvilla vacation home in Norden?

 Sample traditional dishes such as Grünkohl (kale stew), Labskaus (beef and potato dish), and Finkenwerder Scholle (pan-fried plaice) in the many local restaurants.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020