Frequently asked questions about Ferienhaus Otterndorf
What is the best time to visit Otterndorf for a holiday rental?

 Summer is the most popular time to visit Otterndorf, but rentals are available year-round.

How can I get around Otterndorf during my stay?

 Belvilla's holiday homes in Otterndorf offer easy access to public transportation and bike rentals.

What types of accommodation can I find with Belvilla in Otterndorf?

 Belvilla offers a variety of accommodations in Otterndorf, including apartments, pet-friendly homes, homes by the sea or on the park, and homes with swimming pools.

What activities can I enjoy during my stay in Otterndorf?

 Otterndorf offers something for everyone, including swimming, hiking, biking, and water sports.

What local cuisine can I expect to enjoy during my stay in Otterndorf?

 Otterndorf boasts a delicious variety of local cuisine, including fresh seafood and traditional German dishes such as schnitzel and bratwurst.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020