Frequently asked questions about holiday in La Spezia
What is the best time to visit La Spezia?

The best time to visit La Spezia is from April to October when the days are warm and the nights are mild.


What kind of holiday homes are available in La Spezia?

Holiday homes in La Spezia range from apartments, villas, and cottages to studios and luxury residences.

Are there any beaches nearby La Spezia?

Yes, there are several beaches located nearby La Spezia, including Lerici Beach, San Terenzo Beach, and Tellaro Beach.

What kind of activities can I do while on holiday in La Spezia?

There are a variety of activities to do while on holiday in La Spezia, including sightseeing in the Cinque Terre National Park, visiting the historical castles, and going on a boat trip up the coast.


What kind of cuisine can I expect in La Spezia?

La Spezia offers a variety of local cuisine, such as seafood dishes, pastas, and pizzas. There are also restaurants serving international cuisine.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020