FAQs About Holiday Homes & Apartments in Ameland
When is the best time to visit Ameland?

The ideal time to plan your visit to Ameland is between May and September when you can enjoy the warm weather and long daylight hours.

What are the best ways to get around Ameland?

Ameland is a small island, so the best ways to explore it are by walking, cycling, or taking a bus tour.

What types of accommodation does Belvilla offer in Ameland?

Belvilla offers a range of vacation homes in Ameland with features such as pet-friendliness, swimming pools, apartments, the park, and by the sea.

What activities can I enjoy in the region?

You can indulge in various activities such as cycling, hiking, beach hopping, and visiting lighthouses and museums in Ameland.

What is the local cuisine like in Ameland?

Try the local specialties such as Amelander sheep cheese, fresh seafood, and traditional pastries like 'gebakken brood' and 'kniepertjes' along with a glass of locally brewed beer while renting a house in Ameland.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020