Frequently asked questions about holiday in Haarlem
What are the top attractions in Haarlem?

The top attractions in Haarlem include the Frans Hals Museum, the Grote Kerk, the Teylers Museum, the De Adriaan Windmill, and the Hofje van Bakenes.

What is the best time of year to visit Haarlem?

The best time to visit Haarlem is between April and September when the weather is warm and sunny.

What is the cost of accommodation in Haarlem?

The cost of holiday accommodation in Haarlem can vary depending on the time of year and the type of accommodation you are looking for. Generally, prices start from around €50 per night.

Are there any special activities for children in Haarlem?

Yes, Haarlem has a variety of activities for children of all ages. Some of the most popular activities include visiting the miniature zoo at Burger's Zoo, going for a boat ride on the River Spaarne, and visiting the historic windmills of Haarlem.

Are there any traditional Dutch foods available in Haarlem?

There are plenty of traditional Dutch foods available in Haarlem. Some popular dishes include Flemish carbonade, haring, erwtensoep, and stamppot.

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