Frequently asked questions about holiday in Noordwijk
What attractions are there to visit in Noordwijk?

Noordwijk has a rich cultural and historical heritage, with attractions such as the Space Expo and the Keukenhof Gardens. Other tourist attractions include the Sea Aquarium, the Bulb Region and the Dutch beach resorts.

What types of holiday accommodation are available in Noordwijk?

There are a variety of accommodation types available in Noordwijk, ranging from luxurious villas to comfortable apartments. You can also find holiday homes, campsites and hotels.

What type of activities can be enjoyed in Noordwijk?

Noordwijk offers a range of activities for visitors, including water sports, beaches, sailing, golf and shopping. There are also a variety of restaurants, cafes and bars.

What is the best time of year to visit Noordwijk?

The peak tourist season in Noordwijk is from April to October when the weather is warm and sunny. However, the shoulder season is also a great time to visit and offers plenty of activities.

How can I get to Noordwijk?

Noordwijk can be easily accessed by car, train or bus. Schiphol Airport is the nearest international airport, located approximately 30 minutes away.

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Average rating of 4+
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