Frequently asked questions about holiday in Sint Maarten
What kind of holiday homes are available in Sint Maarten?

There is a variety of holiday homes available in Sint Maarten, including beach houses, villas, apartments, and chalets.


Are there any popular tourist attractions in Sint Maarten?

Yes, there are a range of popular tourist attractions in Sint Maarten, including Philipsburg, Little Bay Beach, Butterfly Farm, and Cupecoy Beach.

What activities can I do in Sint Maarten?

There are lots of activities to enjoy on a holiday in Sint Maarten, including diving, snorkeling, sailing, fishing, and windsurfing.

Can I find good food in Sint Maarten?

Yes, Sint Maarten offers a range of delicious local dishes and international cuisine.

Is Sint Maarten family-friendly?

Yes, Sint Maarten is a great holiday destination for families, with plenty of activities suitable for all ages.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020