Frequently asked questions about holiday in Faro
What is the best time to visit Faro for a holiday?

The best time to visit Faro for a holiday is from May to September, when temperatures are warm, the days are long and the beaches are perfect for soaking up the sunshine.


Are there any activities suitable for all ages in Faro?

Yes, Faro has plenty of activities suitable for all ages. There are a variety of cultural and historical attractions, such as the old town, as well as beautiful beaches, boat trips, and a variety of water sports.

Are there any good restaurants in Faro?

Yes, Faro has many excellent restaurants offering typical Portuguese cuisine as well as international dishes.

Is accommodation in Faro affordable?

Yes, Faro has a range of accommodation options to suit all budgets, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly holiday homes.

What kind of holiday homes are available in Faro?

Faro has a variety of holiday homes to choose from, including apartments, villas and traditional Portuguese homes. All of which offer a home away from home to make the most of your holiday.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020