Frequently asked questions about holiday in Salou
Where is Salou located?

Salou is located on the Costa Dorada in Spain, about 100 km south of Barcelona.


What are the attractions in Salou?

Salou has many attractions for visitors to enjoy, such as its beautiful beaches, theme parks such as PortAventura and Aquopolis, the historic Tarragona Roman ruins, and its vibrant nightlife.

What kind of holiday accommodation is available in Salou?

Salou offers a range of holiday accommodations, from apartments to villas, hotels to hostels, and campsites.

What activities can I do in Salou?

There are many activities to enjoy in Salou, including relaxing on the beaches, enjoying a theme park day, exploring the nearby Roman ruins, or trying some of the local cuisines.

What is the best time to visit Salou?

Salou is a popular holiday destination throughout the year, however, the best time to visit is during the summer months when the weather is warm and sunny.

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