Frequently asked questions about holiday in Valencia
What type of holiday accommodations are available in Valencia?

Visitors to Valencia have a variety of accommodation options available ranging from luxury hotels, boutique apartments, and holiday homes.

What kind of cultural attractions can I visit in Valencia?

Valencia is rich in cultural attractions such as the City of Arts and Sciences, Silk Exchange, Bioparc Zoo, and the old town. There are also many museums, churches, and galleries to enjoy.

What are popular outdoor activities to do in Valencia?

Outdoor activities in Valencia range from taking a boat tour along the Turia River, and exploring the local natural parks, to enjoy the beach and water sports.

What kind of cuisine can I expect on my holiday in Valencia?

Traditional Valencian cuisine is based on rice and seafood dishes. There is also a wide variety of regional and international cuisine.

What is the average weather like during the summer months in Valencia?

During the summer months, Valencia receives plenty of sunshine and temperatures can reach up to 30°C.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020