Frequently asked questions about holiday in Lermoos
What types of holiday homes are available in Lermoos, Austria?

Many holiday homes are available in Lermoos, Austria, including self-catering apartments, private villas and chalets, and luxury holiday homes.

What activities can I do during my holiday in Lermoos, Austria?

Lermoos, Austria, offers a range of activities for holiday-goers, including skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, rafting, and mountaineering. There are also plenty of cultural and recreational activities to explore.

Are there any special offers available for holiday homes in Lermoos, Austria?

Yes, special offers are often available for holiday homes in Lermoos, Austria. Make sure to check online for the latest deals to get the best rate.

How close is Lermoos, Austria, to the nearest ski resort?

Lermoos, Austria, is located just a short drive (10-15 minutes) away from Zugspitze Ski Resort.

Is travelling to Lermoos, Austria, during the current COVID-19 pandemic safe?

The Austrian government has put several safety measures in place to ensure the protection of visitors. Before travelling to Lermoos, Austria, it is important to check the latest travel advice and restrictions that are in place.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020