Frequently asked questions about holiday in Merksplas
What are the best attractions in Merksplas?

Some of the best attractions in Merksplas include the Merksplas Kasteel, the Merksplas Basilica, and the Merksplas City Hall. 




What types of accommodation are available for a holiday in Merksplas?

Accommodation in Merksplas includes hotels, guesthouses, camping, holiday homes, and apartments. 

What activities are available for visitors to Merksplas?

Visitors can take part in activities such as walking, biking, and horseback riding, as well as visit the local markets, museums, and galleries. 

What is the best time of year to visit Merksplas?

Merksplas is a popular destination all year round, with peak season in the summer months of July and August.

Are there any special holiday events in Merksplas?

Yes, Merksplas celebrates events like the Merksplas Open Air Festival in July and the Merksplas Summer Festival in August.

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Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020