Frequently asked questions about holiday in Cahors
Where is Cahors located?

Cahors is a city located in the Lot region of Southwestern France.

What are the popular activities in Cahors?

Popular activities in Cahors include:
Exploring the historic city centre and its surrounding vineyards.
Visiting the Cahors Cathedral.
Taking part in local cultural events.

What type of holiday homes are available in Cahors?

A variety of holiday homes are available in Cahors, including villas, apartments, cottages, and bed and breakfasts.

What is the best time of year to visit Cahors?

The best time to visit Cahors is from May to September when the weather is mild and the tourist season is in full swing.

What is the cost of a holiday in Cahors?

The cost of a holiday in Cahors will depend on the accommodation type, time of year, and length of stay.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020