Frequently asked questions about holiday in Firenze
Where can I stay in Firenze?

There is a wide range of accommodation options available in Firenze, including hotels, hostels, guesthouses, bed & breakfasts, and holiday homes.

What is the best time of year to visit Firenze?

The best time to visit Firenze is usually between April and October when temperatures are mild and the city is in full bloom.

Is there much to do in Firenze?

Firenze is a vibrant city with plenty to do. From visiting historical sites to exploring the city's museums and galleries to shopping and dining, Firenze has something for everyone.

Are there holiday homes available in Firenze?

Yes, there are a variety of holiday homes available to rent in Firenze. These range from small apartments to large villas and can be a great way to experience the city.

What makes Firenze a great holiday destination?

Firenze has something to offer everyone, making it an ideal holiday destination. It is home to some of the world's most famous art and historical sites, as well as a vibrant culture, delicious food, and plenty of shopping and entertainment options.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020