Rent a cottage in Almere: Common questions answered
When is the best time to visit Almere for a vacation rental?

The best times to rent a cottage in Almere are during the summer months of June, July, and August when the weather is warm and ideal for outdoor activities.

What are the best ways to get around Almere when staying in a Belvilla vacation home?

The best ways to get around Almere are by bike or public transport, as the city is well-connected by bus and train routes.

What types of accommodation are available through Belvilla in Almere?

Belvilla offers a variety of vacation homes in Almere, including villas, cottages, and apartments with amenities such as swimming pools and pet-friendly options.

What activities can guests enjoy when staying in a holiday home in Almere?

Guests can enjoy activities such as cycling, hiking, and water sports on the nearby lake or visit attractions like the nature reserve Oostvaardersplassen.


What is the local cuisine like in Almere for those renting a holiday home?

Almere offers a diverse range of cuisine from traditional Dutch dishes to international cuisine, with fresh seafood and local produce available at restaurants throughout the city.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020