Frequently asked questions about holiday in Dordrecht
What are the best attractions to visit in Dordrecht?

The best attractions in Dordrecht include the Grote Kerk, the Droogmakerij de Beemster, the Dordrecht Museum, the Dordrecht Harbor Lock, and the Dordtse Kil.

Are there any good restaurants in Dordrecht?

Yes, there are a variety of excellent restaurants in Dordrecht. Popular restaurant choices include Restaurant Oesterij, Pompet, Gaffel Kort, and Barista.

What kind of holiday accommodation is available in Dordrecht?

There is a wide range of holiday accommodations available in Dordrecht, from hotels and guest houses to self-catering apartments and holiday homes.

What type of activities can I do in Dordrecht?

There are numerous activities to choose from when visiting Dordrecht, including sightseeing, cycling, shopping, and exploring the local markets. Nature lovers can also enjoy bird watching and canoeing on the canals.

Is it easy to get around in Dordrecht?

Getting around in Dordrecht is easy, with the city being well connected by public transport, including buses and trains. You can also explore the city on foot or by bike.

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Average rating of 4+
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