Holiday rentals in Philippine, Holland: FAQs
What is the best time to visit Holland for a holiday home rental in the Philippines?

The best time to visit is during summer, from June to August when the weather is warmer and there’s plenty of sunlight.

What are the best ways to get around the Philippines, and Holland from my Belvilla vacation rental?

Bike rentals are the most popular, but public transportation including trains and buses is also available.

What types of accommodations does Belvilla offer for a countryside holiday home in the Philippines?

Belvilla offers a variety of accommodations, including luxury and family-friendly villas, apartments, and cottages with features such as a swimming pool or being located in a park.

What activities can I enjoy in the region when I book a Vacation Rental Philippines with Belvilla?

The region offers biking, hiking, beach activities and water sports such as sailing and windsurfing.

What local cuisine can I expect to try during my Holiday Philippine rental?

The local cuisine features Dutch classics such as bitterballen and stroopwafels, as well as Indonesian-inspired dishes like nasi goreng and satay.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020